Designer's Choice Bouquet
Designer's Choice Bouquet
A beautiful assortment of the freshest seasonal flowers.
Bouquets that are $50 or more include a clear glass vase, if requested.
If you have specific flower or colour requests, please include them in the Order Notes section during checkout and we will do our best to accommodate.
Our Flowers
Our Flowers
Different seasons, different flowers.
We only source the freshest and most interesting mateirals, preferring to keep a smaller stock of flowers in-store to ensure freshness, longer-lasting bouquets and arrangements, and reduce waste.
We receive flower shipments five days per week, year-round, so our cooler stock changes daily with seasonal varieties. The flowers depicted in these images are for style and size reference only.
Please make note of any special requests in the comments section of your order and we will do our best to accommodate.